C++核心指导原则: 源文件

C++ Core Guidelines 整理目录

  1. 哲学部分
  2. 接口(Interface)部分
  3. 函数部分
  4. 类和类层次结构部分
  5. 枚举部分
  6. 资源管理部分
  7. 表达式和语句部分
  8. 性能部分
  9. 并发和并行
  10. 错误处理
  11. 常量和不可变性
  12. 泛型编程
  13. 源文件
  14. 命名和布局建议
  15. 标准库
  16. 其他规则


SF.1: Use a .cpp suffix for code files and .h for interface files if your project doesn’t already follow another convention

SF.2: A header file must not contain object definitions or non-inline function definitions

SF.3: Use header files for all declarations used in multiple source files

SF.4: Include header files before other declarations in a file

SF.5: A .cpp file must include the header file(s) that defines its interface

SF.6: Use using namespace directives for transition, for foundation libraries (such as std), or within a local scope (only)

SF.7: Don’t write using namespace at global scope in a header file

SF.8: Use #include guards for all header files

SF.9: Avoid cyclic dependencies among source files

SF.10: Avoid dependencies on implicitly #included names

SF.11: Header files should be self-contained

SF.12: Prefer the quoted form of #include for files relative to the including file and the angle bracket form everywhere else

SF.13: Use portable header identifiers in #include statements

SF.20: Use namespaces to express logical structure

SF.21: Don’t use an unnamed (anonymous) namespace in a header

SF.22: Use an unnamed (anonymous) namespace for all internal/non-exported entities