C++核心指导原则: 表达式和语句

C++ Core Guidelines 整理目录

  1. 哲学部分
  2. 接口(Interface)部分
  3. 函数部分
  4. 类和类层次结构部分
  5. 枚举部分
  6. 资源管理部分
  7. 表达式和语句部分
  8. 性能部分
  9. 并发和并行
  10. 错误处理
  11. 常量和不可变性
  12. 泛型编程
  13. 源文件
  14. 命名和布局建议
  15. 标准库
  16. 其他规则

ES: 表达式和语句 (Expressions and statements)


ES.1: Prefer the standard library to other libraries and to “handcrafted code”

ES.2: Prefer suitable abstractions to direct use of language features

ES.3: Don’t repeat yourself, avoid redundant code


ES.5: Keep scopes small

ES.6: Declare names in for-statement initializers and conditions to limit scope

ES.7: Keep common and local names short, and keep uncommon and non-local names longer

ES.8: Avoid similar-looking names

ES.9: Avoid ALL_CAPS names

ES.10: Declare one name (only) per declaration

ES.11: Use auto to avoid redundant repetition of type names

ES.12: Do not reuse names in nested scopes

ES.20: Always initialize an object

ES.21: Don’t introduce a variable (or constant) before you need to use it

ES.22: Don’t declare a variable until you have a value to initialize it with

ES.23: Prefer the {}-initializer syntax

ES.24: Use a unique_ptr<T> to hold pointers

ES.25: Declare an object const or constexpr unless you want to modify its value later on

ES.26: Don’t use a variable for two unrelated purposes

ES.27: Use std::array or stack_array for arrays on the stack

ES.28: Use lambdas for complex initialization, especially of const variables

ES.30: Don’t use macros for program text manipulation

ES.31: Don’t use macros for constants or “functions”

ES.32: Use ALL_CAPS for all macro names

ES.33: If you must use macros, give them unique names

ES.34: Don’t define a (C-style) variadic function


ES.40: Avoid complicated expressions

ES.41: If in doubt about operator precedence, parenthesize

ES.42: Keep use of pointers simple and straightforward

ES.43: Avoid expressions with undefined order of evaluation

ES.44: Don’t depend on order of evaluation of function arguments

ES.45: Avoid “magic constants”; use symbolic constants

ES.46: Avoid narrowing conversions

ES.47: Use nullptr rather than 0 or NULL

ES.48: Avoid casts

ES.49: If you must use a cast, use a named cast

ES.50: Don’t cast away const

ES.55: Avoid the need for range checking

ES.56: Write std::move() only when you need to explicitly move an object to another scope

ES.60: Avoid new and delete outside resource management functions

ES.61: Delete arrays using delete[] and non-arrays using delete

ES.62: Don’t compare pointers into different arrays

ES.63: Don’t slice

ES.64: Use the T{e}notation for construction

ES.65: Don’t dereference an invalid pointer


ES.70: Prefer a switch-statement to an if-statement when there is a choice

ES.71: Prefer a range-for-statement to a for-statement when there is a choice

ES.72: Prefer a for-statement to a while-statement when there is an obvious loop variable

ES.73: Prefer a while-statement to a for-statement when there is no obvious loop variable

ES.74: Prefer to declare a loop variable in the initializer part of a for-statement

ES.75: Avoid do-statements

ES.76: Avoid goto

ES.77: Minimize the use of break and continue in loops

ES.78: Don’t rely on implicit fallthrough in switch statements

ES.79: Use default to handle common cases (only)

ES.84: Don’t try to declare a local variable with no name

ES.85: Make empty statements visible

ES.86: Avoid modifying loop control variables inside the body of raw for-loops

ES.87: Don’t add redundant == or != to conditions


ES.100: Don’t mix signed and unsigned arithmetic

ES.101: Use unsigned types for bit manipulation

ES.102: Use signed types for arithmetic

ES.103: Don’t overflow

ES.104: Don’t underflow

ES.105: Don’t divide by integer zero

ES.106: Don’t try to avoid negative values by using unsigned

ES.107: Don’t use unsigned for subscripts, prefer gsl::index